Welcome to Wild West Horse Rescue Inc
Where we specialize in the loving care of all horses in need that we have space and funds for.
Our Mission
Creating a safe and loving place for horses to retire in a herd environment. Hopefully, in the future, provide therapy opportunities for physical and mental disabilities of children and adults. Our registered tax ID # 85-1678845 for our 501(c)3 non profit public charity.
Experienced Care
Our experience and knowledge of care for the special needs of all horse health management is constantly growing day by day. We are dedicated to helping all our equines in their daily needs until the Vet has decided they are not having a good quality of life anymore and need to cross over the last bridge with dignity and love.
Horse Bios
See what equines we currently have that need our care every day.
Little Guy
32 year old Grey Shetland Pony Gelding
He was previously used as a pony rides and petting zoo pony before getting donated/retired with us in November 2020. Little Guy is blind in his right eye and blurry on his left eye, he has ground his teeth down to the gum line so he only gets pellets soaked into mash twice a day for all of his food needs because he can not grind any hay without teeth. He most likely has Cushings disease which makes it hard for his body to regulate his body temperature because Cushings disease affects the pituitary gland function. He is not getting medication for this because of his age but we are making sure he has a warm blanket to keep him warm in the cold wet weather and when summer hits we shave him to help keep him cool. Little Guy is very sweet even though his eyesight makes him anxious and cautious he likes to nicker at me every time I come to feed him and if he doesn’t I know right away that something needs to be checked on. We are always evaluating his quality of life because we love him and want the best for him.
31 year old Tan and White Paint Gelding
He was previously saved from an auction by the owner of the Horses Healing Heroes Program and she donated Max to us in December 2018. He is missing several of his teeth, which makes it hard for him to chew his hay sometimes dropping wads that are called Quidding. He gets fed a larger amount of pelleted hay soaked into mash 2x per day along with his hay flake to help him keep his weight stable. Max is being utilized as a companion therapy friend for my husband (who struggles with anxiety and bipolar) as they had bonded pretty tight as soon as they saw each other.
29 year old Appendix Bay Mare
Appendix means a cross between a Thoroughbred and and American Quarter Horse. Sassy has approximately 3/4 Thoroughbred and 1/4 Quarter Horse from what we understood and she looks more like a Thoroughbred in her face and her smaller feet. She was also donated to us in December 2018 from Horses Healing Heroes Program. She really is very sweet and loves to get belly scratches like a dog and will lift up her back leg and bend her body around the person scratching her so she almost is hugging you. She loves treats and will sometimes try to find things in your pockets. She is trained very well to move off pressure or even if you are standing on one side of her and tell her “Over” she moves over without you having to even touch her side. Sassy has a few health items that are being monitored for quality of life and comfort. These are arthritis, Navicular syndrome or Heal pain in her front feet, and “EOTRH or Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis” which is a painful disorder of the front incisor teeth. She will most likely need all of her front teeth removed to fix that problem before they all break and become infected. Sassy also has an average heart murmur for her age.
Approx. 23 year old Dark Bay Quarter Horse Mare
Baby was surrendered to us in January of 2022 from a situation where she was being neglected for some reason and was very skinny and had really bad rain rot and a bad locking stifle in her back left leg. She had originally been used as a barrel racer and then breeding stock before her recent owner that surrendered her to us. Baby also has some damaged tissue on her back right cannon bone that appears to perhaps been barbwire. She has damaged lungs either from her barrel racing days dusty arenas or smoke inhalation from the fire zones that happened a couple years ago near where she lived at the time. She has a bump on her front right coronet that looks like ring-bone not xrayed yet.
Approx. 21 year old Palomino Appendix Gelding
Chad was donated to us in September 2021 from Horses Healing Heroes Program because he had been in a situation with a client not following the rules and had been injured because of it and needed to be put in a different place to help him recover and have another job to do. Chad is a bit of a headstrong teenager type horse that hasn’t learned efficiently how to give to pressure. He has a bit of a toe in stance and a sway back which is being worked on with therapy to help him lift his core muscles and round out more.
Approx. 16 year old Black Grade/Draft Cross Mare
Update: Velvet was put down due to her front right leg and knee getting worse and adding to her lower quality of life issues. She was loved until the end and went peacefully.
I think she possibly could be a Warmblood/Freisan cross but I don’t know because she was saved from auction by Horses Healing Heroes with not much to go on. She was donated to us in September of 2021. Velvet is a sweet giant and the largest of our equines. She has bad front knees mostly her front right which is enlarged and calcified and fused with little range of motion. She has one of her front pasterns is slightly shorter due to her fetlock joint being mostly bone on bone. She has DSLD in her back legs most likely from switching most of her weight to the back legs. Velvet has problems with bugs biting and causing her to scratch herself on items in the field enough to cut her skin open in places or get hives in the summer so she is on daily antihistamine. Velvet also gets a once a day pain management pill.
15 year old Sorrel/Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding
Tucker was donated to us from Horses Healing Heroes Program in October 2023. He is a smaller petite guy who needs a smaller rider. He has a sway back with damage that HHH program was working with chiropractors and vet to repair damaged tissue and get him back to riding. The program didn’t have enough regular smaller riders so he wasn’t being used as much. He is also a very herd bound anxious horse who thrives on being with others. He also has a strong fear of cows which the HHH program had in a field nearby which tended to become a problem sometimes. We are still getting to know him and figure out what we can also help him with. He really likes being in the same field with the rest of our horses. He has gotten pretty settled in with only a few anxious set offs.
17 year old Sorrel/Chestnut Pony Mare.
Precious was surrendered to us in July 2024 with her 4 year old gelding son (discussed next). Her previous name was Trouble which we decided does not suite her very well so we decided a change was in order.
Precious had some pretty intense head shyness that we have been working on to help reassure her that we would be very gentle with her. She has come a long way with her anxiety and nervousness, but still has some work to do. She is in need of teeth floating as soon as we can get it scheduled and budgeted. She is also been put on the farrier list for more regular trims to get her to a better length.
4 year old Dark Chestnut? Pony Gelding.
Copper is Precious's son and he came in the same surrender in July 2024.
Copper came pretty overweight and in danger of founder. Luckily we caught it just in time. We put him in a pen by himself so that we could monitor the amount of food he got to help him get back to a healthy weight and it worked great. Copper also came untrained and still pretty attatched to his mom. He was also put in a different area than his mom to help fully separate them. We have done as much as we were able to with him until the rains started.
We don't currently have a trainer available for untrained young animals so he has been rehomed to get trained so he can become a good gentleman to society and find a good job to do.
24 year old Hafflinger Mare
Bessie was surrendered on 1/5/25 because her owner felt that she could no longer care for her anymore. Bessie's previous owner had bought her off of craigslist because she reminded her of a horse she used to have.
We will add more info about her when figure her out more.
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We're here to help
2164 A St, Oroville, CA, 95966
Office/CEO home(530) 591-9250
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